Our clinic is a welcoming experience for all, we have a large reception area and private treatment rooms all located on the ground floor, we are centrally located and have private parking available.
At your initial visit to our clinic, one of our receptionists will ask you to complete some brief paperwork prior to meeting the Chiropractor.
A talk about your problem with the chiropractor is called a case history, once your case history is complete, your chiropractor will examine you to confirm any early ideas about your problem. The examination will concentrate on your neuro-musculo-skeletal system (nerves, muscles and joints), but it may also be necessary to check other things such as your Blood Pressure, heart, lungs and abdomen to rule out other causes; this thorough check-up is a normal procedure in a chiropractor’s clinic.
After the initial consultation and examination, your chiropractor will tell you, in clear, simple language, what is wrong with you, what can be done about it and what you should expect when you receive your treatment. Because chiropractors understand the underlying stresses that the body can be put under, they can also advise you about preventative measures to try and avoid causing damage or injury.
Your chiropractor will usually offer treatment there and then.
However, it may be delayed for a day or two if he needs to order x-rays or obtain further information from your GP (blood test results, for example) and, where appropriate, refer you for an MRI/CT scan.